Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Concept Development

New module, new group. But first a little up date from last module. The exhibition went very well. It was two exiting and extremely busy weeks. I was working non-stop and I think the exhibition team did more then anyone ever expected. We succeeded and came up with seven projectors, five 13-meters fabrics, tables, lamps, flowers and candy. And on top of that both newspaper and radio came! Our wii- dice worked as good as it could too. Everyone loved it and tried really hard to make it to the high score list. I’m happy I was project leader for this project because it was really necessary to do good job for everything to work, I learned a lot. One thing I realized was to give very clear directions and never expect people to make own initiatives.

So, the weekend was well deserved. And the feeling I had before this module Concept and developing, was that I’m happy to don’t be project manager for a while! No, actually; I loved it! We divided us into groups, and I came with people I never worked with before which was good. I also came with the Italian Simone which is great for my English:)

Our first task was to come up with 50 business ideas within digital media, per group. A good practise for brainstorming… We have 33 so far.. After that we need a top five, then one idea we can develop and try to get a loan from the bank to carry out our project.

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