Monday, October 29, 2007

Two weeks left

After a nice weekend in Stockholm I’m back in Karlskrona again. Its two weeks left to the presentation for investors which is a long time I reckon. Two weeks is also probably what we all need to make this project good, the little thing that we only four in our group make the work a bit harder. There are many lectures during this time that will take a lot of time as well.

So, what’s happens with the online karaoke plan? Pretty much I would say. We started up to study business plans early even if we didn’t know if we were supposed to write the plan or not. We divided the work and I took care of competitors. I realized the importance of my contact network outside this industry as well, there are always a banker or lawyer out there I know. But it’s still a feeling of walking in the jungle to make this business plan which no one of us has any experience from.

I also noticed that I missed to mention about our “dice success”. We are selling our dice from last module to a company who want to make a mobile play out of it! If we are lucky they might sell it to Ericsson or Motorola, which would be crazy! We’ll wait and see…

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Online Karaoke

After hours of brainstorming we suddenly had 50 ideas! Out of this 50 we chose 5, and after more research we agreed about one... : online karaoke. SILLY; was my first thought, (it wasn't my idea...) But after even more research I realized that this idea is fun, needed and actually very possible to carry out.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Concept Development

New module, new group. But first a little up date from last module. The exhibition went very well. It was two exiting and extremely busy weeks. I was working non-stop and I think the exhibition team did more then anyone ever expected. We succeeded and came up with seven projectors, five 13-meters fabrics, tables, lamps, flowers and candy. And on top of that both newspaper and radio came! Our wii- dice worked as good as it could too. Everyone loved it and tried really hard to make it to the high score list. I’m happy I was project leader for this project because it was really necessary to do good job for everything to work, I learned a lot. One thing I realized was to give very clear directions and never expect people to make own initiatives.

So, the weekend was well deserved. And the feeling I had before this module Concept and developing, was that I’m happy to don’t be project manager for a while! No, actually; I loved it! We divided us into groups, and I came with people I never worked with before which was good. I also came with the Italian Simone which is great for my English:)

Our first task was to come up with 50 business ideas within digital media, per group. A good practise for brainstorming… We have 33 so far.. After that we need a top five, then one idea we can develop and try to get a loan from the bank to carry out our project.

Sunday, October 7, 2007